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May 23, 2009


Brad Jacobson

Larry King Writing Sequel to 'My Remarkable Journey'


"If You're Not Nauseous Yet, You Will Be."

Well, truth in advertising, at least!


I thought Cher and Charo had merged to form Chero.

Matthew Levy

Brad, You really go too far. A little humor is one thing, but Charo? C'mon, man!

Brad Jacobson

Yes, even an American institution like Charo isn't safe.


Just hysterical. I laughed out loud several times. Goodwin's "Caboose"! "I hope the free pastrami was worth it, you schmuck." Too funny.


Larry lapped sushi off the flesh of hundreds of legends, including Richard Nixon, Dr. Phil, Judge Judy. Sorry... too much information! LOL
Where did you learn about all these juicy details - from his Twitter account? http://twitter.com/kingsthings

courier philippines

Turned Down Lead Role in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" Wow!!


bleaching-to-go queen

Great article. Like to read more. Why is this site not being updated any more? I loved to read it.

When will be the next release?

Check out my new bleaching-to-go Page www.smileagency.de/bleaching-to-go

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