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May 05, 2009


Brad Jacobson

The MediaBloodhound Interview:
Greg Mitchell, Editor of 'Editor & Publisher' Magazine


Nice stuff, with good questions. I like much of Mitchell's work, although I still need to read So Wrong...

mary krause

What a fraud. He uses the term mainstream media without even knowing what it means. Mitchell is the mainsteam, old media. Emphasis on OLD.

Virtually every story I read about the tea parties referenced the Fox connection. What did he read? Anything at all?

And he talks of the Kristol and Cramer interviews on the Daily Show without noting that these people are media members. This is not the same as getting actual newsmakers -- the politicos Kristol covered and the financial "wizards'' Cramer was suppoed to cover -- to fess up.

Mitchell should be replaced by a young person who is not so blinkered, who did NOT become friends with a famous person he interviewed and then use that friendship as a credential, and finally who does not compare himself to Jon Stewart. Pathetic


Umm, Mary, I saw and heard several MSM accounts on the tea parties that didn't mention the Fox connection at all and treated these events as legitimate, grassroots movements (NBC, ABC, NPR). Media Matters can provide many more examples. Even where major outlets did mention the Fox connection, it was normally not a key part of the story - that a major network was essentially a propaganda outfit and most of the teabaggers were protesting both the lowering of their own taxes and a very tiny restoration of higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans (in a year or two). Liberal blogs got it right. A significant portion of the corporate media did not, nor did they try.

Meanwhile, Cramer and Kristol are both liars and charlatans who have been consistently wrong and have caused a great deal of harm. Yet they continue to hold positions of power and influence. Sure, it'd be great to get "actual newsmakers" to 'fess up, but historically, that happens most often when they're on trial (if even then), not in interviews, although a good reporter can push them. If the main topic is media reform, and that is Mitchell's beat, why should he not spend time on the merit-free gravy train for horrible pundits, and lousy questions by journalists?

Stewart comes up in context, and I don't know what relationship you're talking about. I don't read Mitchell every day, nor do I know all of his biography, but as covered in this interview, he was right on Iraq and the debates, among other things. You're welcome to your opinion, of course, but I don't see the basis for the animosity. As media critics go, he and Will Bunch are a helluva lot better than, say, Howard Kurtz. I'd say several liberal bloggers are even better, but hey, it's a start.

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