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April 29, 2009


Brad Jacobson

NYT Public Editor Dances Around 'Brutal Truth' of Torture


In other news, the chocolate ration is to be increased from 30 to 20 grammes and the end of the war is within sight.


So-called ombudsmen these days seem to be inbudsmen in practice.


Ok, ok, I started to read discussed article Sunday and thought it was another satirical glimpse at the torture/enhanced interrogation argument, and I quickly passed on to other topics thus missing the whole point of another obtuse denial of the obvious. Gee…what a shame! No point in bringing up the preposterous argument of the efficacy of torture being used over and over by the right wing as though justification lay not in the humanity of argument but in the result. You know, like junk bonds? Guess not! The fact that these arguments are even considered legitimate enough to be aired scares the shit out of me, with all due respect (if indeed it is due) to the FCC.


I expect garbage from Hoyt but SHAME on Garrison Keillor.


But Keillor's show is (or was) on Minnesota Public Radio.

That's Minnesota,as in "Let's keep Senator Franken out of the Senate."


Hoyt today" "We must be doing something right. Both the left and the right are yelling at us."

Hoyt 5 years from now: "We were derelict in our duty to our readers. We should have been calling it torture all along."

russische frauen

Gee…what a shame! No point in bringing up the preposterous argument of the efficacy of torture being used over and over by the right wing as though justification lay not in the humanity of argument but in the result.

Belstaff Bag

Now we have a great walkway that goes to the beach and to the canals that came from the partnership of community with government

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