The following are quotes and headlines culled from this past year at MediaBloodhound (keep in mind some were said or written prior to '08 but noted here during the year). Some are real (fact) and others are from satirical articles (fiction) posted under "The Wounded-Courier." See if you can distinguish between the two. Once you've answered all the entries -- but not before because multiple entries may come from the same post and checking one might give away another -- you'll find the answer key at the very bottom.
All right, news junkies and media mavens, the 2008 Fact or Fiction Challenge is on:
1) “Hey, tell Brokaw to suck it.” - Chris Matthews, following Tom Brokaw's on-air dressing down of Matthews during MSNBC coverage of the Democratic primary race
2) “If we had a state-run media, how would it be any different?" - Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman
3) “Worse than seventeen Donna Rices sitting on Obama’s lap on a luxury yacht called ‘Monkey Business.” - Gary Hart, one-time Democratic presidential hopeful, on John Kerry’s endorsement of Barack Obama
4) “Now and for the foreseeable future, virtually everything involving Britney is a big deal.” - Frank Baker, Associated Press Los Angeles Assistant Bureau Chief, in a memo to staff
5) Headline: "McCain Threatens Bombing China Over U.S. Flag Sales"
6) "Two hundred and thirty-two years to get a black man in the White House, and the one they choose disenfranchises an entire nation of comedians! Can't a brother catch a break?!" - Chris Rock
7) Headline: "Obama Said to Pick Newly Created 'Leakmaster General'"
8) "As my father used to say, Brit, just because you can turn water into wine, it doesn't mean you can build a birdhouse." - Karl Rove speaking with Fox News anchor Brit Hume
9) "Senator Obama, what is more patriotic -- paper or plastic?" - ABC World News anchor Charles Gibson during Democratic primary debate
10) "No, there is nothing to base that on. As far as I know." Hillary Clinton responding to whether she believed Obama was a Muslim
11) “The main rationale [for invading Iraq] was not based on intelligence.” - Douglas Feith, former undersecretary of defense
12) "Look, I don't come to your office at the Times, elbow my way through that Third World newsroom of Marxist homosexual terrorists, and stand over your desk telling you how to type! So, please - please - my friend, don't tell me how to win a war!" - John McCain's infamous blow-up with New York Times reporter Elizabeth Bumiller
13) "If I learned to play an instrument, it would take away from what I do..." - Rap mogul Puff Daddy
14) "I must say, I'm a little envious....It must be exciting for some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger." - President George W. Bush addressing U.S. military and civilian personnel stationed in Afghanistan
15) "My friends, Senator Obama talks about cutting spending with a scalpel. We need more than a scalpel, my friends. We need a hatchet. A hatchet and a sledgehammer." - John McCain
16) "They could not succeed in eliminating WMDs because they did not exist." - Hans Blix, a chief U.N. weapons inspector
17) Headline: "Why Obama's Bowling Would've Lost Dr. King's Support"
18) "Praise the Lord, and pass the political ammunition. We're in it now."
- Blogger Taylor Marsh as the mainstream media's focus on Reverend
Jeremiah Wright gained traction
19) "This is further proof that Senator John McCain has what it takes to lead this country - a limited yet firm grip of the facts, a tenuous hold on reality, and Bunyanesque balls of stainless steel. Senator McCain, if posing as your patsy to win this war is wrong, then I don't want to be right. Hand me a Crave Case of White Castles and an elephant tranquilizer gun, and I'll take down Michael Moore for you, sir!" - Stephen Colbert
20) "We believe that [the Pennsylvania primary result] will show that Hillary is ready to win, and that Sen. Obama really can't win the general election." - Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton's chief strategist
21) "As Democrats and Independents weigh who they want to run
against John
McCain in the fall, answer this question. Can you support a candidate
who is friends with terrorists?" - Counter-terrorism expert and blogger Larry Johnson
22) "If
I were to watch the news that you hear in the United
States -- I’d just blow my brains out because it would drive me nuts." -
Lara Logan, CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent
23) "Against the law? I'll leave that to legal scholars. But it's certainly good politics." - CNN senior political reporter Candi Crowley
24) Headline: "McCain, Obama Agree on 'Dark Knight'"
25) "Is the American flag Barack Obama's Willie Horton?" - CNN anchor Anderson Cooper
26) Headline: "McCain Camp Launches"
28) Headline: "Owners Cuddle, Dress Pets...Then Fry Them"
29) "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." - John McCain addressing his wife Cindy
30) "Let's face it, George W. Bush was comedic welfare. None of us really had to work very hard. Hell, our writers would often just send me links to The New York Times and then hit the peep shows." - Late Show host David Letterman
31) "The
Tiger Woods injury story was of major importance and we felt we needed
to devote time to it as the lead." - Rick Kaplan, Executive Producer
of CBS Evening News
32) "I knew I'd miss Bush, but I thought I could rely on McCain-Palin and the millions of bile-filled, pitch-fork-waving, infuriatingly ignorant and virulently racist bat-shit crazy Americans to maintain comedic stability in the White House. I was wrong." - Stephen Colbert
33) Headline: "Elephant Warms to Baby She Stomped"
34) “During ‘blackout week,’ the AP didn’t mention [Paris] Hilton’s second birthday party at a Beverly Hills restaurant, at which a drunken friend reportedly was ejected by security after insulting Paula Abdul and Courtney Love. And editors asked our Puerto Rico bureau not to write about her visit there to hawk her fragrance.” - Frank Baker, Associated Press Los Angeles Assistant Bureau Chief, on AP's journalistic restraint in covering fluff
35) "A sieve with legs." - John Podesta, Obama transition chief and former Clinton White House chief of staff, describing Lanny Davis, former special counsel to President Clinton and longtime Hillary loyalist
1) fiction; 2) fact; 3) fiction; 4) fact; 5) fiction; 6) fiction; 7) fiction; 8) fiction; 9) fiction; 10) fact; 11) fact; 12) fiction; 13) fact; 14) fact; 15) fiction; 16) fact; 17) fiction; 18) fact; 19) fiction; 20) fact; 21) fact; 22) fact; 23) fiction; 24) fact; 25) fiction; 26) fiction; 27) fiction; 28) fact; 29) fact; 30) fiction; 31) fact; 32) fiction; 33) fact; 34) fact; 35) fiction
So how did you do? Better than you expected? Worse than you expected? Any entries that particularly tripped you up or caused you to snarf your beverage of choice? Keep it going -- send to your friends, family and co-workers and see who comes out on top (caution: due to John McCain's verbal expression of family values, this year's challenge is not suitable for children).
MediaBloodhound's 2008 Fact or Fiction Challenge
Posted by: Brad Jacobson | January 13, 2009 at 09:34 AM
25/35. Not too bad... Consider some of the errors praise for your satirical skills, since some of the fake bits were frighteningly plausible...
Posted by: Batocchio | January 13, 2009 at 06:36 PM
26/35. I would have done SOOOO much better if I knew who the hell Taylor Marsh is. (And Brokaw does suck it.)
Posted by: nowwithmorehair | January 15, 2009 at 01:47 PM
Only 19 here. Not such a great year, but a great quiz!
Posted by: Kiwifruit | January 16, 2009 at 10:49 AM
29/35.....can't believe I missed 13.......23 and 25 sure as hell sounded like Candi Crowley and Anderson Cooper...great writing...since they were probably thinking those things I'm giving myself 2 more.........31
Posted by: clashbeat | January 17, 2009 at 11:09 PM