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September 11, 2008


Brad Jacobson

It's 9/11! Bring On the Death Porn!


"We are watching a poorly staged rendition of Wag the Dog , interpreted for the morbidly stupid and performed by the criminally insane." - Jules Carlysle

Greg - Danville, CA

Agreed on the ceremonies today. I tried to listen to Rumsfeld on C-SPAN radio giving his speech at the Pentagon and got so nauseous with anger that I had to turn it off.

Instead I watched Zeitgiest (www.Zeitgeistmovie.com) and "Loose Change: Final Cut" to continue to think about what really happened that day.

Jane Hawes

I didn't watch the ceremonies either - or anything else on TV about 9/11. I watched the towers fall the first time (on CNN; I wasn't in NY), and that was enough. It is outrageous (not to mention cynical and downright cruel) the way the Repugs have used this tragedy over and over again for their own twisted and evil political purposes.

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