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June 10, 2008


Brad Jacobson

The Big Story with the Least MSM Coverage? (Guess Again.)


I covered it. Pelosi was right: Kucinich's "move was unlikely to succeed and would be divisive."

Brad Jacobson

Uh, you mean you covered Kucinich's articles of impeachment for President Bush (and so thoroughly, too *cough, cough*). Even in your comment, you can't even bring yourself to reference the matter at hand - the National Conference for Media Reform. You're like Fonzie (or, say, Bush) trying to say he's wrong. Go on, say the words. I know it's difficult. The N-a-t-i-o-n-a-l C-o-n-f-e-r-e-n-c-e for M-e-d-i-a R-e-f-o-r-m. I know, reality is hard work. Better luck next time.

Arch Stanton

Pelosi should be impeached. But that's okay. When the bad karma is comes home to roost, she'll regret her choices. Of course by then it'll be too late.


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