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June 04, 2008


Brad Jacobson

One of the "Smartest People" Fareed Zakaria Knows?


What can I say? You summed it up perfectly. I've blogged on similar issues before, but the MSM's insistence on pretending that Feith and others of his caliber should be treated seriously is the probably the single greatest problem they possess. It's gutless, dishonest, and does their viewers and democracy a disservice.

Pierre Tristam

Superb analysis.


Well, said, Brad. Additionally, despite the fact he wasn't a focus of this piece, your article also damns Bob Woodward, and it's well deserved. He'd rather sit on his laurels, his "insider" access, and his cushy book contracts that do any actual reporting. The country would have been better served had Woodward reported on that November '01 PR confab in, say, November '01, rather than bury it in a book five years later.


Well, said, Brad. Additionally, despite the fact he wasn't a focus of this piece, your article also damns Bob Woodward, and it's well deserved. He'd rather sit on his laurels, his "insider" access, and his cushy book contracts that do any actual reporting. The country would have been better served had Woodward reported on that November '01 PR confab in, say, November '01, rather than bury it in a book five years later.


I thought it was going to be Tommy Friedman but this is even worse. Life is one big cocktail party for these people.


The best parts of Zakaria's first show were the comments of Minxin Pei. It was refreshing to have a significant part of an American talk show devoted to China, and to have a commentator talking about China who actually knew something about the country.

Douglas Feith once again proved that General Tommy Franks was right about him, and was totally marginalized by the end of the show. That he held such power during the Bush administration explains why Bush's presidency has been such a total disaster in so many ways.

How Zakaria and others like him could have been so wrong on Iraq is still a mystery. Millions of Americans in 2002 and 2003 knew that invading Iraq was a huge mistake and would lead to catastrophe, and we protested to try to prevent it. Why our politicians and "expert" pundits couldn't figure that out is still a mystery.


Sure looking at Fareed Zakaria differently. Having Feith on, giving this psychopath another platform to spew lies. Disgusting. Will not be watching Zakaria's program and will be spreading the word on his lack of integrity.


Sure looking at Fareed Zakaria differently. Having Feith on, giving this psychopath another platform to spew lies. Disgusting. Will not be watching Zakaria's program and will be spreading the word on his lack of integrity.

gus smith

Kathleen sure has it right:.. "Sure looking at Fareed Zakaria differently. Having Feith on, giving this psychopath another platform to spew lies. Disgusting....". Also, Rove has come into the mainstream of late via This Week with George Stephanopolous and FOX News. I am so disgusted to see these UnAmerican cowards be given any platform to spew their dissension and depraved morality. YEEATCH.

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that was an awesome conversation, In his 2006 book State of Denial, Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward described a November 29, 2001, meeting of Middle East analysts, including Zakaria, that was convened at the request of the then Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. According to a New York Times story on Woodward's book, the Wolfowitz meeting ultimately produced a report for President George W. Bush that supported the subsequent invasion of Iraq.

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Aside from that not-widely-seen gay indie film back in the 90s, what has Hayes contributed to the gay movement? A grotesque Stepin Fetchit equivalent that embodied the worst stereotypes about gay men in the minds of millions of TV viewers for years? Thanks just the same, but I prefer to reserve respect and accolades for celebrities that actually make *positive* contributions and work toward bettering the lives of people in the gay community.

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Here is my wholly unprovable alternate universe assertion:

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i like this part of the post:"The burning of the festival's giant wooden statue is clearly a moment of spiritual significance for the film's subjects, but when they rely on New Age cliches about "energy," "intensity," and "vision" to describe their feelings, the words don't resonate.
" is very good

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I want Bob's book to do well because I like his writing style, his enthusiasm and the podcast, but like you I don't really share his enthusiasm for social media. And I have a deeper reservation about the book, I think, which is that it seems to be encouraging (or is caught up in) a slight gold-rush mentality on web start-ups. Yes, he talks a lot about how hard it will be and how you have to solve real problems - but only a tiny fraction of web start-ups will succeed, no matter *how hard* people work at them and no matter how well they solve problems.

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The flip side of that goal was to give an experienced developer who's ready to start their own venture the full context of what they need to do in the hopes of moving from (at best) 1 in 10 success rate to say 2 in 10 (I think http://startuptodo.com (a training/productivity community for startups and microISVs) which I will be launching soon will boost that to 4 in 10, but I digress).

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