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January 08, 2008


Brad Jacobson

Advocating for a Revolution in News

Richard Pietrasz

I have observed that one of the requirements for being a modern "professional" journalist is a short and selective memory, plus an inability to research related material even in one's own employer archives.

All Bran

What's wrong with advocacy anyway, as long as you're telling the truth?

John Bakalik

Amy Goodman's Link TV is great as is Free Speach TV, but guess where the Satellite Dishs locate the stations, not anywhere near the likes of the so called news networks, MSNBC, FOX, BlOOMBERG, CNN NETWORK, and CNN's Blitzer Shituation Room. Why are they grouped like this, so you can get all the hollywood hipe, and tripe that is repeated for days on end. Got to go to the Bloggers for real news, this old Vet must open them daily.

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