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December 10, 2007



I'll Be at Crooks & Liars All Week


Wouldn't a real Jew know it's a hanukia, not a menorrah? Just a thought...


Uh, you're going to have to explain that one, NWMH...


A menorrah has seven branches and is used on the sabbath. A hanukiah has eight branches and is only used on Hanukkah (hence the name). Sorry for the confusion.


No, thank you for the explanation. I've obviously just enhanced my fake Jew status.

pissed off patricia

Off topic but I had to be sure you got this note and to thank you, Brad J.

I don't know if you go back and read all the later comments at C&L on the roundup, so if you don't I just wanted to let you know I finally got to see the comedy film about the Mormon religion. It was definately worth the wait. Funny as hell and the end was a nice touch.

Thank you for all your help in finding a site where I could view it. :)

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