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July 08, 2007



Maureen Dowd Unintentionally Writes Self-Parody


Why would Edwards give an interview to Dowd, and why would he answer dumb questions like this? Why would she ask dumb questions like this?

Ah, never mind. Too much work...

Rula Lenska

Dowd's mental condition may be due to the horrid red dye she applies to her hair.

Been there...

Kip W

It would be stooping to Dowdie's level of appearance-based criticism to point out that all the clocks in her apartment are right twice a day.

Barry Grumley

Yellow Dog Democrat
I am a male 60 years old I dig Maureen..have a photo of her on my desk top, I love smart women who are not affected by the existing charade of American Politics. I don't believe for a moment Maureen enjoys having to remind politicians about the denials and troubles they create on their own. She intuitively knows that many politicians just want her to shut up and salute...it simply isn't her style..Maureen isn't prejudice she reports on women and republicans as well.

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