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January 07, 2007



Tom Tomorrow Yesterday's News to Village Voice


This continues the Voice's slide since being sold to New Times which is a fake progressive publishing group. New Times' M.O. is to buy a real alt weekly, fire the majority of political and long loved writers (James Ridgeway and Robert Christgau at the Voice to name just two) and then put all the same columns in all their publications so that the Voice for example is now closer to a Big Mac that tastes the same wherever you go instead of having it's own distinctive progressive personality. The only thing worse than the left being attacked openly by the right is for the left to be undermined by a fake left group who answer only to their shareholders and not their readers.


"The only thing worse than the left being attacked openly by the right is for the left to be undermined by a fake left group who answer only to their shareholders and not their readers."

Well said. I didn't think of this until now, but even Fox lets the Simpsons stay on the air. You'd figure the Voice, even in its new watered-down incarnation, wouldn't bother with its editorial cartoonists. Maybe that's an even more dire sign than sacking Ridgeway and Christgau.

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