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December 07, 2006



What Our Soldiers Are Saying About Iraq


You're right, MB. Really refreshing to hear the spin-free views of the soldiers. Thanks for spotlighting this story.

"We've been here for 12 months now and there's been no progress," said Spc. Richard Johnson, 20, of Bridgeport, Conn.......
"How much longer do we have to get shot at or blown up?"

Not a day longer, Spc. Johnson.
Not a @#$%^&* day longer.
U.S. troops out YESTERDAY.

John Kerry's question during his 1971 testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding Vietnam should be asked by all Americans EVERY DAY until we leave Iraq:
"How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"


Thanks for posting this. It's incredibly important that the views of soldiers on the ground be heard and heeded. Of course, this is not an administration known for doing what "makes sense", or "is best for the people". Those are apparently pinko commie philosophies, given how adamantly Bush and company avoid them.

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