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August 11, 2006



Nice, but...an etch-a-sketch? Those things are hard to operate. Like presidenting hard. I don't think this bunch could get much beyond the "weird misshapen rectangle that doesn't quite close on itself" amendment.

We're in the middle of a war here. And the president can't have his power limited by two (unelected) dials. You think the terrorists are using dials? Hell no, they're using beverages!

That's why I support the new Frist/Lieberman "Stuff the President Writes in the Air with his Finger" Constitution. No fuss, no muss and no need for men in black robes to "interpret" his little fingertip squiggles.

Jeffery Haas

All of you limp wristed liberal scum will be very happy to know that issues like the Constitution will be addressed in Dubya's THIRD TERM as:
"Acting President, Unitary Executive and Decider for the Duration of the National Security Emergency", scheduled to commence the day after the November elections, 2006.

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