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June 09, 2006



Ouch. Ka-ching. Funny stuff!!


too bad coulter can't make her stay in hades permanent. but if there is one, she definitely have an eternity of season tickets waiting for her. and, jesus, how does the today show bring that zombie jackboot on? what's that thought process? argh. well. thanks for relieving some of the pent-up rage in my head.

oh, and matty lauer is the anti-christ. i've seen his markings.

spaghetti happens

Hey, you put Jim Varney in Hell, you get on the fightin' side of me, boy.

Lord Stanley

The difference is I hear Vlad the Impaler had a softer side.

c u n d gulag

I've heard she's sleeping with Stalin tonight.
Don't tell Eva or Adolph. They'll get ticked off. They had planned a threesome with her, but it had to be cancelled. The mule was already rented...


Brill. Yunt.

Frank jr

I always knew Ann Cunther was a TRANNY in transition!!


You guys could never stand up to a debate with Ann...she would swallow YOU whole...you forget...we republicans are the ones trying to save babies from you liberals who want to kill them on the way out of the womb.
I believe this is one of the first posts ive seen from liberals who care about babies.
oh yeah....can you say....number one best seller?
Al Franken cant
Michael moore cant


isn't it funny that eople like the ones on this blog talk about how much they hate Ann, etc., yet all of her books are bought by MILLIONS?? hm...guess somebody wants to hear what she has to say. Just not guys who are afraid of strong women.

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